The economic recession has wreaked havoc in the lives of countless Americans. Many have had to make spending cutbacks, lost retirement savings and had job opportunities restrained or lost. Still, the public continues to believe in the nation’s economic future. By a two-to-one margin, 63% to 31%, Americans agree with the statement that “although there may be bad times every now and then, America will always continue to be prosperous and make economic progress.” Young adults (70% agree with the statement) are far more optimistic than older adults. Among partisans, Democrats (75%) are more likely to agree with the statement than are Republicans (57%) or independents (60%). Blacks and Hispanics are more optimistic than are whites. Also, those who self-identify with the middle class are more optimistic than those who classify themselves as upper or lower class. Read More
Still the Land of Prosperity
Russell Heimlich is a former web developer at Pew Research Center.